Slow Beauty: Nourishing Skin + Soul

Slow Beauty, like Slow Living, is a lifestyle. We live in a society that loves instant gratification, especially when it comes to beauty. The Beauty industry is a multi-million dollar biz and wants us to use the next trending product or get the next trending treatment. And by the time we do, there will be another one to take its place. It is a never-ending hamster wheel, that often stirs up feelings of low self-worth and chronic comparison.

Slow Beauty is not just skincare products or treatment routine; it encourages us to savor the beauty process, cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves and the skin care products we are using, and prioritize our self-care - at a pace that makes sense and is supportive of healthy skin, rather than trends and quick fixes.

What is Slow Beauty?

Slow Beauty is a holistic and sustainable approach to beauty that centers around the idea of slowing down and taking the time to care for your skin, body, and mind. It emphasizes the following principles:

Slow Beauty encourages you to be present in the moment, whether you're applying skincare products or engaging in self-care rituals. It's about turning these routines into opportunities for meditation and reflection.

Quality Over Quantity: 
Instead of accumulating an abundance of beauty products, Slow Beauty suggests focusing on high-quality, natural, and sustainable options. It's about simplifying your routine and choosing products that align with your values.

Self-Care Rituals:
Slow Beauty promotes the incorporation of self-care rituals into your daily life. Whether it's a warm bath, a facial massage, or a calming meditation session, these rituals help reduce stress and enhance your overall well-being.

Connection with Nature: 
Slow Beauty encourages the use of products that harness the power of natural ingredients. It emphasizes the importance of being in harmony with nature, with quality ingredients.

Slow Beauty isn't just about nurturing your skin; it's also an ethical and sustainable choice that promotes eco-consciousness by favoring natural, earth-friendly ingredients and reducing the environmental footprint of your beauty routine.

Long-Term Results: 
Slow Beauty is not about quick fixes or overnight transformations. It's about understanding that improving skin health can take time, and the results are worth the patience and effort.

An Easy Slow Beauty Recipe: DIY Nourishing Face Mask

One of the simplest ways to begin your Slow Beauty journey is by creating your own nourishing face mask using natural ingredients. This DIY mask is so simple and tried and true. It will not only leave your skin feeling refreshed and revitalized but will also give you the opportunity to slow down and pamper yourself. Here's how to make it:


  • 1 tablespoon of organic honey: Honey is a natural humectant, which means it helps to retain moisture in your skin, leaving it soft and hydrated.
  • 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt: Yogurt contains lactic acid, which gently exfoliates the skin, promoting a healthy glow.
  • 1/2 ripe avocado: Avocado is rich in healthy fats and antioxidants, which nourish and protect the skin.

  1. Begin by mashing the ripe avocado in a small bowl until it's smooth and free of lumps.
  2. Add the honey and yogurt to the mashed avocado and mix well until you have a creamy, consistent paste.
  3. Before applying the mask, make sure your face is freshly and thoroughly cleansed.
  4. Using clean fingers or a brush, apply the mask evenly to your face, avoiding the eye area.
  5. Relax and let the mask sit for about 15-20 minutes.
  6. Rinse off the mask with lukewarm water, gently massaging your skin in circular motions as you remove it.
  7. Pat your face dry with a clean, soft towel.
  8. Finish with your favorite toner, serum or facial oil and moisturizer.
This nourishing face mask not only provides your skin with essential nutrients but also offers a calming and soothing experience that aligns perfectly with the principles of Slow Beauty.

Incorporating Slow Beauty into your life can bring about a profound transformation in your approach to self-care and skincare. Remember, it's not about perfection but about finding joy in the process and taking time to care for your skin and soul. 

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Slow Living: Finding Balance in a Hectic World

In a world that often glorifies the hustle and constant busyness, the concept of slow living emerges as a gentle antidote—a way to find harmony in the midst of chaos, to savor life's simple pleasures, and to reconnect with what truly matters. Embracing slow living is an invitation to step off the hamster wheel of rushed routines and embrace a more intentional, mindful way of living. 

What is Slow Living?

At its core, slow living is about quality over quantity, about presence over productivity. It's a deliberate choice to engage with life in a more meaningful and thoughtful manner. Slow living encourages us to pay attention to the moments that often pass us by, to appreciate the beauty in the ordinary, and to prioritize well-being over constant achievement.

Benefits of Slow Living

1. Mindful Awareness: Slow living encourages us to be fully present in each moment. By slowing down, we become more attuned to our surroundings, our thoughts, and our emotions. This heightened awareness can lead to greater clarity and reduced stress.

2. Improved Well-Being: Rushing through life can take a toll on our physical and mental health. Slow living allows us to take better care of ourselves, making time for relaxation, self-care, and restful activities.

3. Deeper Connections: When we're not constantly rushing, we have the time and space to cultivate deeper relationships. Slow living enables us to truly engage in conversations, share experiences, and create lasting memories.

4. Enhanced Creativity: Slowing down can spark creativity and innovation. When we're not consumed by a constant rush, our minds have the freedom to explore new ideas and perspectives.

Incorporating Slow Living into Your Life

1. Mindful Mornings: Start your day with intention. Instead of rushing through your morning routine, wake up a bit earlier to savor a calm, unhurried start to the day. Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, meditate, or take a leisurely stroll.

2. Digital Detox: Dedicate specific periods of your day to disconnecting from screens. Put away your devices during meals, or set aside an hour each evening for tech-free time. Use this time for reading, reflection, or spending quality time with loved ones.

3. Savor Simple Pleasures: Slow down and truly enjoy the simple things—a warm breeze, the taste of your coffee, the laughter of a friend. Engage your senses and be fully present in these moments.

4. Mindful Movement: Whether it's yoga, walking, or simply stretching, practice movement with mindfulness. Pay attention to the sensations in your body and the rhythm of your breath

Embracing slow living is not about abandoning responsibilities or productivity; it's about creating a harmonious balance between the demands of modern life and the need for meaningful moments. It's about cultivating a lifestyle that prioritizes well-being, relationships, and personal growth. As you embark on your journey of slow living, remember that it's not a destination but an ongoing practice—a practice that allows you to find stillness, joy, and fulfillment in the midst of life's crazy.

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Exploring the "Skin Flooding" Trend

Trends come and go often in the skin care world. Sometimes they are worth the hype and sometimes they aren't. Since everyone's skin is unique, trends don't always translate the same to each individual. So, I'm always skeptical...

One of the latest trends making waves is "skin flooding." This technique promises a rejuvenated and radiant complexion. It is, essentially, a revisit of "skin layering" or "sandwiching," which involves layering products to allow the products closer to the skin to penetrate deeper into the epidermis - the top layers of the skin. 

What is Skin Flooding?

Skin flooding, also known as "essence flooding," is a skincare technique that involves drenching the skin with a substantial amount of hydrating and nourishing essences or serums, usually containing hyaluronic acid (which is an ingredient that binds moisture into the skin) or other active ingredients. This technique is designed to saturate the skin, providing a deeply moisturizing and revitalizing effect. Unlike traditional skincare routines that involve applying a thin layer of product, skin flooding requires a more generous application to achieve optimal results.

The Process Unveiled

The process of skin flooding consists of several steps:

  1. Cleansing: Start by thoroughly cleansing your face to remove any impurities, makeup, and excess oils. A clean canvas ensures that the active ingredients penetrate effectively.
  2. Exfoliation (optional): Exfoliate gently if your skin is in need of some extra sloughing off of dead skin cells. This step can enhance the absorption of the subsequent products.
  3. Essence Application: This is the heart of skin flooding. Generously apply a hydrating essence or serum all over your face. The goal is to use a sufficient amount to deeply saturate the skin, allowing the ingredients to penetrate multiple layers.
  4. Layering: Consider layering multiple essences or serums with different beneficial ingredients. Each layer should be applied after the previous one has been absorbed.
  5. Moisturizer and Sunscreen: Seal in the goodness with a moisturizer to lock in the hydration and shield your skin from environmental stressors. If it's daytime, don't forget to apply sunscreen to protect your skin from UV rays.
Benefits of Skin Flooding

  1. Intense Hydration: The primary benefit of skin flooding is its ability to provide intense hydration. By flooding the skin with essences, you're replenishing moisture levels and promoting a plump, dewy complexion.
  2. Enhanced Absorption: With the increased amount of product used, the active ingredients have a higher chance of being absorbed deeply into the skin. This can lead to better results in addressing various skin concerns.
  3. Radiant Glow: Skin flooding can help improve skin texture and tone, resulting in a healthy and radiant glow.
  4. Customization: This technique allows for customization by using different essences or serums to target specific skin issues, such as dryness, dullness, or fine lines.
Cautions and Considerations

While skin flooding holds promising benefits, it's important to approach this trend with some considerations in mind:

  1. Product Compatibility: Layering multiple products can potentially lead to product interactions or sensitivities. Ensure that the products you're using are compatible and won't cause adverse reactions. 
  2. Skin Sensitivity: Those with sensitive skin should exercise lots of caution and perform patch tests before fully adopting this technique, because it could have really negative results as far as irritation, redness or burning.
  3. Cost: Using a larger amount of product in each application might lead to products running out faster, potentially increasing your skincare expenses. This is true especially for serums, which usually contain more concentrated active ingredients, making them a bit more pricey. 
As with any skincare trend, it's essential to consider your skin type, potential sensitivities, and budget before diving into the world of skin flooding. Consulting with a skincare professional can help you determine if this technique is suitable for your skin's unique needs. 

So, is skin flooding worth the hype? 

It could be a beneficial technique to try, maybe once or twice a week to get the benefits without risking irritation or going broke lol. Really, the key to a healthier skin appearance is consistency with using your home care products and a healthy lifestyle. More is not always more - keeping a regular routine with the right products for your unique skin is what gives results.
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Somatics: A Path to Healing

This world is indeed wiggity whack right now and we need all of the healing tools we can get. 

A healing modality that has been emerging over the past few years that is really rocking my world right now is - somatics. Somatics can have a PROFOUND impact on our physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. 

What the heck is it?

Somatics, derived from the Greek word "soma" meaning "the living body," refers to an integrative approach that focuses on the connection between the mind, body, and spirit. Unlike conventional wellness practices that often isolate physical and mental health, somatics recognizes the intricate interplay between our thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations. It's about developing a heightened awareness of the body and utilizing that awareness to promote healing, self-expression, and personal growth.

Our bodies are so wise.

At the heart of somatics lies the understanding that the body holds within it a treasure trove of wisdom, as well as stuck "stuff," like emotions and trauma. Every physical sensation, from a clenched jaw to a racing heart, carries a message that can be decoded to uncover underlying emotional states. Somatic practices encourage individuals to be fully present in their bodies, listening to the signals they are sending. By doing so, one can tap into a deeper level of self-awareness and cultivate a more profound understanding of their thoughts and feelings, as well as letting go of stuck negative energy.

How can Somatics help us?

1. Stress Reduction: Somatic practices often involve techniques such as deep breathing, gentle movement, and mindfulness meditation. These practices help activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the body's "rest and digest" response. This can lead to reduced stress, lowered anxiety levels, and an overall sense of calm.

2. Pain Management: Chronic pain can often be linked to emotional and psychological factors. Somatics approaches pain from a holistic perspective, helping individuals identify and release emotional tensions that might be exacerbating physical discomfort.

3. Improved Posture, Movement and Feeling More Comfortable: Somatic movement practices can help individuals become more attuned to their body's alignment and movement patterns. This leads to improved posture, greater ease of movement, decreased risk of injuries and feeling more at home in one's body.

4. Enhanced Emotional Intelligence: By paying close attention to bodily sensations, individuals can better connect with their emotions and develop a higher emotional intelligence. This can lead to improved communication, better relationships, and a greater capacity for empathy.

5. Self-Discovery and Personal Growth: Somatic practices offer a pathway to self-discovery by encouraging individuals to explore their inner landscape. As we become more in tune with our bodies, we can uncover suppressed emotions, limiting beliefs, and unexplored potentials, paving the way for personal growth and transformation.

Somatics can help to improve things like:
  • long-term trauma or stress
  • living in survival mode, especially freeze / fawn
  • grief or heartbreak
  • dorsal vagal shutdown
  • long-term anxiety / depression
  • nervous system dysregulation
  • frequent dissociation
  • feeling overwhelmed / stuck / immobilized
  • people pleasing 
  • constant fatigue / exhaustion / burnout
  • feeling numb / like you have no emotions
  • chronic pain
  • full body pain
Anyone else feel seen? And that is just a short list.

How can you begin to simply incorporate Somatics into your daily life?

1. Mindful Body Scans: Set aside a few minutes each day to perform a body scan. Close your eyes, focus your attention on each part of your body, and notice any sensations or tensions. Breathe deeply and intentionally to release any areas of tension.

2. Somatic Movement: Engage in gentle movement practices like yoga or specific Somatic techniques. Pay attention to the subtle sensations as you move, and let go of any judgments about how you should look or perform. Some of my favorite Somatic movement exercises have been shared by The Workout Witch on YouTube. She also has some amazing courses available to dive deeper into Somatic movement, which are on my list. True story - about a month ago, I was in complete dorsal vagal shutdown (if you've never hear of that, here is a great article that describes it, along with the related polyvagal theory) and my nervous system was literally peacing out on me.  Liz's free exercises, along with other self-care techniques, helped me to reset my nervous system.

3. Breath Awareness: Practice mindful breathing throughout the day. Take a few moments to simply focus on your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly. This can help you to quickly center yourself.

4. Journaling: Write about your experiences during somatic practices. Reflect on any emotions or insights that arise during these moments of self-connection.

Somatics is more than just a wellness trend; it's a powerful tool for fostering holistic well-being and personal growth. Different modalities resonate differently for each of us. This one was like a huge cowbell for me and I'm gonna need more cowbell.

Maybe you do to? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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My Top 5 Favorite Mineral Sunscreen Products 2023

When it comes to sun protection, mineral sunscreens are a popular choice for those seeking effective and safe options. 

These sunscreens use natural minerals, like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, to create a physical barrier that reflects and scatters UV rays away from the skin. In this blog post, we will explore my current top five favorite mineral sunscreen products that provide not only excellent sun protection but also nourish and soothe the skin.

Here are my current faves, in no particular order. Some are for face, some for body and some can be used on both...

1. Suntegrity 5-in-1 Tinted Moisturizer SPF 30

This multi-tasking tinted moisturizer offers broad-spectrum SPF 30 protection, making it a perfect option for everyday wear. The lightweight formula blends effortlessly, providing a subtle hint of coverage while offering reliable sun protection. Infused with organic antioxidants and hydrating ingredients, this sunscreen also works to improve the overall appearance and texture of the skin. With its non-greasy finish and natural-looking tint, the Suntegrity 5-in-1 Tinted Moisturizer is a must-have for those wanting a flawless and protected complexion.

2. Suntegrity Milky Mineral Sun Serum Spray SPF 50

For those looking for convenience and high sun protection, the Suntegrity Milky Mineral Sun Serum Spray is a game-changer. This innovative sunscreen comes in a spray form, ensuring easy application on all parts of the body. The lightweight formula quickly absorbs into the skin, leaving no white residue behind. With its SPF 50 coverage, it provides maximum protection against harmful UVA and UVB rays. The Milky Mineral Sun Serum Spray is ideal for on-the-go individuals who want a reliable sunscreen that keeps their skin safe and nourished.

3. ILIA Super Serum Skin Tint SPF 40

If you're looking for a mineral sunscreen that combines sun protection with skincare benefits, the ILIA Super Serum Skin Tint is your go-to product. This lightweight tinted serum not only shields your skin from the sun with SPF 40 but also delivers a powerful blend of hydrating and skin-loving ingredients. Formulated with hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, and plant-based squalane, this sunscreen helps improve skin texture, reduces the appearance of fine lines and leaves your skin looking naturally radiant. Experience the ultimate combination of sun protection and skincare with ILIA Super Serum Skin Tint. I find myself always gravitating back to this serum, because it really improves the look of skin immediately and over time.

4. Kosas DreamBeam Comfy Smooth Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 40

The Kosas DreamBeam Comfy Smooth Sunscreen is perfect for those seeking mineral sun protection in a non-greasy and comfortable formula. This lightweight sunscreen absorbs quickly into the skin, providing broad-spectrum SPF 40 coverage without leaving a white cast. Enriched with nourishing ingredients like shea butter, rosehip seed oil, and green tea extract, this formula not only protects against sun damage but also helps soothe and nourish the skin. Experience the joy of wearing sunscreen every day with the Kosas DreamBeam Comfy Smooth Sunscreen.

5. Indie Lee Mineral Sunscreen SPF 30

Indie Lee Mineral Sunscreen is a fantastic choice for those seeking an all-natural sunscreen option. This reef-safe mineral sunscreen offers SPF 30 protection, ensuring your skin stays shielded from harmful UV rays. With a lightweight texture that blends easily, this sunscreen applies smoothly without leaving a greasy residue. It's made with non-nano zinc oxide and is suitable for both face and body protection. The Indie Lee Mineral Sunscreen is a great addition to your sun care routine, providing reliable protection while being environmentally conscious.

Finding the right mineral sunscreen is essential for maintaining healthy and protected skin. From tinted moisturizers to lightweight serums, these top five mineral sunscreens offer both sun protection and skincare benefits. So, whether you're looking for convenience, a natural-looking tint, or all-natural ingredients, these products have you covered. Embrace the power of mineral sunscreens and prioritize safeguarding your skin from harmful UV rays.
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